Baseball Equipment for Training
Whether you just want to play the sports enough so you can hit a home run or are determined that your son gets the opportunity to enter the major league. You could do a lot better by investing in baseball equipment that trains you for this. As a...
How to Buy World Series Tickets
How to Buy World Series Tickets
Have you ever known someone who wanted so desperately to go to the Major League Baseball World Series that they were like a rabid dog? Well, I have…and it is not a pretty sight. I have been married for a few...
Inspiring Baseball Quotations
I loved being around the baseball players when they had something to say that I thought would have a positive impression. Here are some of the quotes that I have enjoyed and have inspired me.
Bob Gibson
“ I owe the public one thing - a good...
Snoring Aids
Anti-snoring devices range from the very simple, to the somewhat complex. The majority of devices are available in drug stores or through direct mail (postal or Internet/e-commerce). The most common and effective devices and snoring aid are...
The Golfing Machine
HOW TO BUILD YOUR GOLF SWING This process is multi fold Learn what YOUR neutral grip is The CORRECT ball position for every club The CORRECT swing shape How far back YOU can take the club How to play within YOUR style You will have many...
Important Aspects Of A Baseball Coach
Being a baseball coach can be very rewarding. It is a big
responsibility, though. You are basically the 'leader' of your
team, and how you act will directly affect how the assistant
coaches and the players act. There are some tips you can follow
to make yourself a better baseball coach. These tips are:
1. Give everyone on your baseball team a responsibility. Make
each and every person on the team feel if they don't do
something, it won't get done! Any accomplishments made by a
member of the team are shared by the whole team. (It is
important to give recognition to individuals, though.)
2. Help everyone on your baseball team make good, informed
decisions. As the baseball coach, you need to guide and teach
the players to make the good decisions you want them to make.
Don't bully the baseball team to do what you want them to do,
just encourage them to do what is best.
3. Always treat your baseball team like they are winners! If
your baseball players feel like winners, they will be more
likely to win.
4. Let everyone on your baseball team know you care. Be
interested in every individual baseball player. Encourage them
and show them your support. Look at your behavior around your
baseball team and evaluate it carefully.
5. Help your baseball team understand the meaning of playing
with good sportsmanship! Good sportsmanship is just as important
as winning. Make sure your baseball players understand the
meaning of fair play from the moment you become their baseball
6. Make sure you motivate and reward your baseball team players.
Just knowing the basic skills
and strategies of baseball won't
necessarily make you a very good baseball coach. Being a
baseball coach is truly more than just teaching these things. A
really good coach can motivate a baseball team to do its best!
Good baseball coaches understand and can empathize with the
players' feelings of joy, anger, anxiety, frustration, and pride.
7. Don't make your baseball practices boring or repetitious.
Shake up practices by playing games and teaching new techniques
and plays. Since only 9 players can play at a time, make sure to
keep the rest of the baseball team feeling useful by having them
keep score or charting pitching and offence. Make sure to keep
each baseball player feeling they have an important role in
8. Make sure you have a plan for your baseball team. Just like a
teacher needs to plan for the school year, a baseball coach
needs a plan for the season. Having no plan is a sure road to
9. Give your baseball team enough time to review things they
have learned. Whether at the end of a practice or the end of a
game, give your players time to review what has been learned and
what could be improved upon. Keep the review as positive in tone
as possible.
10. Make sure you communicate with your baseball team. If you
cannot get across to your baseball team what you want, how will
they know what to do?
About the author:
Sintilia Miecevole, host of http://www.reelbaseball.com provides
you with baseball information from games, cards and equipment to
teams, gloves, pictures and more. Be sure to visit
http://www.reelbaseball.com for the latest news.