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Fitness For Golf Isn’t Just For The Pros

Fitness for golf is a common term on the television these days. I’m sure you’ve heard it a few times. The secret is out. Fitness for golf has come to the forefront of total golf performance.

Golfers have heard it enough. The golf swing is a physically abusive movement to the human body…unless you take the time to prepare for it.

I was watching the Golf Channel (I do that frequently) the other day, with Tiger on. He said it perfectly.

He said, "it would be absurd to think a football player, basketball player or baseball player wouldn’t physically work on his body to play better golf. Why wouldn’t a golfer do the same thing?"

I was sitting there saying, “thank you Tiger”…fitness for golf is here to stay.

If it takes the Number One golfer in the world to convince you…then I’m all for it.

How many times have you walked off the course or practice range with a twinge or two in your body? How about when you got home? Did it

get worse?

What’s that tell you?

I hope you realize how important fitness for golf is, in not only helping your prevent injury, but utilize your true potential to it’s fullest.
Doesn’t it make sense to improve your flexibility AND strength to hit longer drives that go straighter? Doesn’t it also make sense to improve your fitness for golf as you get older…to slow down the aging process?

Don’t look at it as “work”, “sweating” or “effort”. Look at it as “playing your best game ever!”

You will continue to hear about fitness for golf, when it comes to performing better golf.

About the Author
About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness experts in the country, author of the Ultimate Golf Fitness Guide, and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Take a look at his just released golf fitness dvds and Manual at

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