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I Must Get The Newspaper

I Must Get The Newspaper

Every day when I wake up one of the first items that creeps into my head is getting the newspaper. I have got to get the paper. I have operated this way for over 40 years. The paper gets me in the know. More so than the internet I guess it might be because I can touch it or feel it.

I confess - I have to see the sports pages. It's out in the open. I admit it. There is something missing for me if I do not get to see the sports pages.

Who hit home runs? Who got the most hits the previous day? What pitchers won? Who drove in the runs? Yeah I like that one the most. RBIs.

If we are out of baseball season, it's off to the transaction part of the paper. Who signed and who got released? ( I almost always feel bad when I see a name of a player I liked that got dropped by their team). Any trades I may have missed? People's lives on the move. While this part of the paper announces transactions, it's really about how how lives change by the places these players move away from. And where they move on to. Sometimes that is all it takes like a new city for some players to excel like a Paul O'Neill or Roger Maris to name two great Yankee transactions. During the season I have to see my boys, how are they doing? Yankee Stats - I always observe them. Alex Rodriguez, Derek Jeter, Gary Sheffield are the guys whose statistics I scrutinize now. In the old days it was Mickey Mantle, Yogi Berra, Don Mattingly, Reggie Jackson, Roger Maris, and Thurmon Munson. I know I am omitting a few. Please forgive me. When I am done with the statistics I peruse the pages for some good story. I do not have any

game plan for this pursuit. I usually get caught by some headline and go from there. Lately I noticed that when I see an article by a writer I do not care for I spit at the paper. No I do not I am only kidding. I read the paper as if I am about to get a test. I read by myself without any interruptions, sitting in my car or at my kitchen table. With a cup of coffee or tea by my side I engage the paper. I think about who I might run into that might ask me a question about the Yankees that I should know. I better know.

I remember when I traveled in Europe in the early 70's. I had to get to the International Herald for their one or two page sports section. Reggie Jackson was having an awesome first half of the season. It seemed like every day he was hitting another homer for the Athletics. I could not wait to see in the paper if he hit another one.

The New York Times, The Newark Star Ledger, The Bergen Record, USA Today and in the past The Newark News have been my companions in the morning. I would not have it any other way.

I hope you get as much enjoyment out of your paper as I get out of mine.

I even read the front page and do the crossword puzzle. Sometimes.

About the author:

Aron Wallad has been a baseball lover for over 45 years. You will love his honesty and his passion.. You will be touched by the heartwarming stories. The unusual statistics will amaze you and the quotes will make you laugh..

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