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How Important Is Your Golf Swing Release

An optimal golf swing release has a lot to do with the way the golfer controls their body and makes use of their muscles right from the back swing to the impact and follow through.

And the muscles involved are not just those in the arm. The feet, knees, hamstring, hips and spine are all very important in achieving a good golf swing release.

The perfect golf swing release will happen with one coordinated and smooth movement. The fact is that it always looks a lot easier on the outside than it really is.

The truth of the matter is that it is not easy, whatever the golf gurus tell you. It is something that requires a lot of work on your part in preparation as well as training, right from your body and muscles so as to be able to execute the perfect golf swing release.

It is important to know that your entire body fights you violently and resists every effort on your part to achieve

proper timing for your golf swing. This is simply because the golf swing movement does not come naturally to the body. Kicking a soccer ball or swinging a baseball bat comes much more naturally to the body that a golf swing.

Want golf exercises do is they strengthen the muscles and body so that the golf swing feels much more natural and faces less resistance from the body.

This is the reason why doing the right golf exercise program will play a central and key role to helping you get the golf swing release you know you are capable of.

About the Author
About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness experts in the country, author of the Ultimate Golf Fitness Guide, and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Take a look at his just released golf fitness dvds at his golf fitness site - Perform Better Golf.

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