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Dieting our Way to Obesity
Dieting our way to Obesity: To say that Americans are obsessed with dieting is an understatement! Pick up any magazine, or turn-on any source of advertising and you're bombarded with the latest diet schemes and food fads. More often than...

Pedro, Beltran, and the Mets as seen by one true Yankee Fan:
Pedro, Beltran, and the Mets as seen by one true Yankee Fan: It’s the middle of the NFL playoffs, and what has grabbed the interest of many sports fans has been the off-season maneuvering and acquisitions of the Mets and Yankees. In the past, the...

Pree-Teens Look to Steroids as "Magic Pill" for Fashionable Figures
Healthy fitness guru joins doctors, educators, coaches, event organizers, and others in urging young people to do things the old-fashioned way…with diet and exercise In an alarming trend that has continued to grow since the early 1990's, government...

Schilling to the bullpen; it's a "good thing"
Perhaps Johnny Damon’s in a panic (Why are you guys still petrified of the Yankees??) with the news of Curt Schilling’s return to the Red Sox in a bullpen role. But, this latest move by Boston, in the wake of Keith Foulke’s injury and...

TOP T.E.N Myths Surrounding the Montreal Expos
10 - That the Expos lost its fan base after all the English left in the early 80’s. The Olympic Stadium continued to average over 18 thousand visitors per game until 1997. While they were not leaders in attendance by any stretch, it was still a...


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Baseball is played all over the world. Major League Baseball (MLB), World Baseball Classic (WBC)

Babe Ruth

Mickey Mantle

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